
Notice Board

Online Population Health Registry

Making a permanent online registry of electronic health records of all citizens of Bangladesh is now on progress. The work included the rural citizens, who represent 70% of the country’s population, first.

Office Attendance Monitoring System

All sub-district and district level government hospitals of Bangladesh are introducing office attendance monitoring system using biometric finger print detection. The machines are being installed and expected to be completed by September 2012.

The date and time of arrival to and leaving from office of the officers and staffs will be recorded in the system and will allow reading from the head quarter. As a result the policy makers will find an objective way to assess works done by them.

Complaints-Suggestions through SMS

An exciting and effective innovation has been added to the existing service line of MIS of DGHS of Bangladesh. Citizens are now taking part in ensuring accountability of the service providers in health system.

Telemedicine Service

High quality telemedicine service has been provided in different levels of hospitals all over the country. Among these, there are 2 specialized hospitals (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases), 3 district hospitals (Shatkhira, Nilphamari and Gopalganj) and 3 sub-district hospitals (Pirgonj, Dakope and Debhata). Through this service, admitted patients in district and sub-district level hospitals can take suggestions from the doctors of specialized hospitals without need for visiting the higher level hospitals. Besides, web-camera has been given in each sub-district, district, medical college and post-graduate institute hospitals. These hospitals, therefore, can also give tele-medicine service using Skype or any other video conferencing platform.