
Notice Board

Pregnancy Care Advice through SMS

A Bangladeshi pregnant mom can get appropriate advice through SMS if she registers herself in a mobile phone based pregnancy care advice service operated by MIS.


The registration process is easy. In the SMS option of the mobile phone, she will type following codes and send to 16345:

dghs reg lmp_date mobile_no. name

Example: dghs reg 04072012 01713018545 marjina

Explanation:  lmp is the last menstrual period in format of ddmmyyyy. Mobile number is the cell number where she wants to receive the SMS advice. Name is her name.

On successful transmission of the registration SMS, she will receive an instantly SMS reply, which will thank her for registration, inform expected date of delivery and advice for following the SMS advices she will receive automatically from time to time. The advices have been jointly developed by a group of subject experts from academic institutions, WHO, UNICEF and reproductive health program of the ministry.