
Notice Board

  • DSC 3823
  • Health Batayan 27 12 2015

Complaints-Suggestions through SMS

An exciting and effective innovation has been added to the existing service line of MIS of DGHS of Bangladesh. Citizens are now taking part in ensuring accountability of the service providers in health system.


This has been possible through introduction of a SMS-based complaints-suggestions box. In each of about 800 public hospitals, display boards, fixed to walls, describe how to send complaints or suggestions by SMS for improving service. Patients, their relatives and all people visiting the hospitals, if they are not satisfied with the service, they send SMS. These SMS come to a web portal and assigned staffs oversee. The staffs call the senders of the SMS to understand more about the real situation; and then talk to the local authority to implement immediate solutions to the problem. This system ensures accountability of public hospitals.

The difference between the traditional and this new system of suggestions or complaints box is that the suggestions or complaints are seen by the central authority directly, and therefore, corrective measures can be taken with stronger effects.