সেবার মানের দৃশ্যমান উন্নয়ন সাধনের স্বীকৃতিস্বরুপ বিভিন্ন সরকারী হাসপাতাল ও স্বাস্থ্য ব্যবস্থাপকের অফিস পেলো স্বাস্থ্যমন্ত্রী জাতীয় পুরস্কার ২০১৮
The Management Information System (MIS) unit of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has launched a performance management initiative for improvement of health services in the public health sector. The Government of Bangladesh has taken the initiative to measure performance, to rank and to reward the different tiers of health facilities since 2014. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been providing technical assistance in the conceptualization and development of the initiative which are aligned with the health systems building blocks and the results chain analytical frameworks. An online system for measurement and scoring is now accessible to all through a real time dashboard. Different partners such as UNICEF, icddr,b and Health Information System Program (HiSP) Bangladesh have been supporting the initiative along with WHO.
The initiative is being supported by WHO Country Office in Bangladesh under the biennium 2018-2019 under the Health System Strengthening program, which follows the principles of 6 health systems building blocks of WHO, viz., (i) health services; (ii) supplies of medicines, equipment, and technologies; (iii) health workforce; (iv) health financing; (v) health information system; and (vi) leadership and governance.
The incentive to the participating hospitals was the Health Minister National Award to be accorded to the best performing hospitals and health managers. Certain areas, which commonly do not require external interventions, have been chosen for making visible change. These areas include cleanliness, staff punctuality, placement of appropriate display boards and patient guidance signs, good behavior with patients, improving laboratory services, waste management, reducing weighting time at the outpatient department, improvement of overall hospital service, updating data in the online reporting systems, holding monthly staff meeting and follow-up of the decisions made in the past meetings, etc. The Health Minister National Award was first introduced in 2014 under WHO biennium 2013-2014. This report is on this ranking of the government hospitals for 2017.
Procedure of hospital ranking for 2017
A total of 68 public health facilities were nominated both physical assessment and patient satisfaction survey out of 511 public health facilities in the country which was carried out to see the actual situation and validation of data.
Out of 68, 44 Upazila health complex (UHC), 17 district hospital (DH), three medical college hospital (MCH) one specialty post-graduate institute & hospital (SpH) have been short listed on the basis 60% score out of 100 (aggregated scores of on-line and onsite). No district hospital was short listed due to attain minimum 60% score of (combined score of online and onsite). 34 assessors (Government officials from different departments, such as, MIS; Medical Education; and Hospital & Clinics; Community based health services; officers from respective divisional health offices and development partners and WHO) during the month of November and December 2017.
In physical verification visits, assessors checked and verified 243 indicators for UHC, 260 indicators for DH, 265 indicators for medical college hospital (MCH), and 244 indicators for specialty post-graduate institute & hospital (SpH). Separate patient satisfaction survey on outdoor and indoor patients was also done. The physical verifications were “joint assessments” between the external evaluators and local authorities and supervisors; the evaluation sheets have been countersigned by the local and supervising authorities on both the completed checklists and survey questionnaires.
HSS core committee
A meeting was held on 05-Feb-2018 at the MIS resource center, DGHS. Director, MIS Dr Ashish Kumar Saha was the chair of the meeting. The preliminary results of Health Minister’s National Award 2017 result was presented to the meeting including the description of shortlisting and compilation of the final score according the category of awards. The members of the committee reviewed the total process of scoring mechanism and the list of health facilities in each category. The members recommended the result as acceptable and finally endorsed it.
A. Result 2017 (National Award)
Table 1. Category of award: Upazila Health Complex (Top 5)
Facility name |
District |
Division |
Total Score |
Facility score (100) |
PAT (150) |
PST (50) |
Rank |
Chowgacha Upazila Health Complex |
Jessor |
Khulna |
240.51 |
69.45 |
146.30 |
24.76 |
1 |
Keshabpur Upazila Health Complex |
Jessor |
Khulna |
240.38 |
68.46 |
146.91 |
25.00 |
2 |
Wazirpur Upazila Health Complex |
Barisal |
Barisal |
232.90 |
66.68 |
140.74 |
25.48 |
3 |
Iswardi Upazila Health Complex |
Pabna |
Rajshahi |
229.18 |
65.08 |
139.81 |
24.29 |
4 |
Kumarkhali Upazila Health Complex |
Kustia |
Khulna |
227.57 |
65.96 |
138.27 |
23.33 |
5 |
Table 2. Category of award: District Hospital (Top 5)
Facility name |
District |
Division |
Total Score |
Facility score (100) |
PAT (150) |
PST (50) |
Rank |
Narsingdi 100 bed district hospital |
Narsingdi |
Dhaka |
236.39 |
63.94 |
147.69 |
24.76 |
1 |
Narsingdi district hospital |
Narsingdi |
Dhaka |
235.51 |
66.41 |
144.81 |
24.29 |
2 |
250 beded general hospital |
Jessore |
Khulna |
230.11 |
67.99 |
137.60 |
24.52 |
3 |
Pabna 250 bed general hospital |
Pabna |
Rajshahi |
228.04 |
63.61 |
139.90 |
24.52 |
4 |
Kurigram district hospital |
Kurigram |
Rangpur |
226.18 |
62.75 |
139.62 |
23.81 |
5 |
Table 3. Category of award: Medical College Hospital (Top 3)
Facility name |
Division |
District |
Total Score |
Facility score (100) |
PAT (150) |
PST (50) |
Rank |
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
220.97 |
60.00 |
138.11 |
22.86 |
1 |
M Abdur Rahim Medical College Hospital |
Rangpur |
Dinajpur |
211.53 |
61.99 |
126.51 |
23.04 |
2 |
Dhaka Medical College Hospital |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
208.35 |
66.11 |
121.70 |
20.54 |
3 |
Table 4. Category of award: Specialty post graduate Institute hospital
Facility name |
Division |
District |
Total Score |
Facility score (100) |
PAT (150) |
PST (50) |
Rank |
National Institute of Neuroscience & Hospital |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
198.14 |
63.29 |
113.42 |
21.43 |
1 |
Table 5. Category of award: Community Health Services (Top 5)
Facility name |
District |
Division |
Total Score |
Rank |
Amtali Upazila |
Barguna |
Barisal |
91.68% |
1 |
Bamna Upazila |
Barguna |
Barisal |
91.45% |
2 |
Monpura Upazila |
Bhola |
Barisal |
90.57% |
3 |
Wazirpur Upazila |
Barisal |
Barisal |
89.46% |
4 |
Ramgarh Upazila |
Khagrachari |
Chittagong |
88.86% |
5 |
B. Result 2017 (Divisional Award)
Table 6. Category of award: Upazila Health Complex
Facility name |
District |
Division |
Total Score |
Facility score (100) |
PAT (150) |
PST (50) |
Rank |
Lalmohan Upazila Health Complex |
Bhola |
Barisal |
218.48 |
63.19 |
131.48 |
23.81 |
Champion |
Banaripara Upazila Health Complex |
Barisal |
Barisal |
209.36 |
61.14 |
123.46 |
24.76 |
Runner Up |
Saharasti Upazila Health Complex |
Chandpur |
Chittagong |
219.36 |
64.59 |
130.25 |
24.52 |
Champion |
Patiya Upazila Health Complex |
Chittagong |
Chittagong |
200.28 |
67.30 |
109.88 |
23.10 |
Runner Up |
Sibpur Upazila Health Complex |
Norsingdi |
Dhaka |
205.52 |
64.51 |
123.15 |
17.86 |
Champion |
Dhamrai Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
200.66 |
67.43 |
108.95 |
24.29 |
Runner Up |
Kotchadpur Upazila Health Complex |
Jhenaidah |
Khulna |
223.19 |
64.98 |
134.88 |
23.33 |
Champion |
Shailkupa Upazila Health Complex |
Jhenaidah |
Khulna |
221.54 |
64.02 |
133.95 |
23.57 |
Runner Up |
Nandail Upazila Health Complex |
Mymensingh |
Mymensingh |
213.69 |
67.26 |
125.00 |
21.43 |
Champion |
Kazipur Upazila Health Complex |
Sirajganj |
Rajshahi |
207.57 |
60.67 |
128.09 |
18.81 |
Champion |
Table 7. Category of award: District Hospital (Divisional Champion)
Facility name |
District |
Division |
Total Score |
Facility score (100) |
PAT (150) |
PST (50) |
Rank |
Pirojpur District Hospital |
Pirozpur |
Barisal |
225.82 |
69.72 |
130.38 |
25.71 |
Champion |
Moulvibazar 250 bed district hospital |
Moulavibazar |
Sylhet |
224.17 |
62.85 |
138.46 |
22.86 |
Champion |
Lakshmipur District Hospital |
Laxmipur |
Chittagong |
222.26 |
64.80 |
132.69 |
24.76 |
Champion |
Jhenaidah District Hospital |
Jhenaidah |
Khulna |
220.87 |
67.10 |
130.67 |
23.10 |
Champion |
Panchagarh District Hospital |
Panchagarh |
Rangpur |
206.04 |
66.36 |
120.87 |
18.81 |
Champion |
Tangail District Hospital |
Tangail |
Dhaka |
202.78 |
63.89 |
123.17 |
15.71 |
Champion |
Table 8. Category of award: Community Health Services (Divisional Champion)
Facility name |
District |
Division |
Total Score |
Tarail Upazila |
Kishoreganj |
Dhaka |
87.36% |
Shyamnagar Upazila |
Satkhira |
Khulna |
87.17% |
Durgapur Upazila |
Netrokona |
Mymensingh |
87.16% |
Debiganj Upazila |
Panchagharh |
Rangpur |
85.71% |
Patharghata Upazila |
Barguna |
Barisal |
85.03% |
Biswambarpur Upazila |
Sunamganj |
Sylhet |
84.95% |
Kazipur Upazila |
Sirajganj |
Rajshahi |
84.72% |
Raipur Upazila |
Lakshmipur |
Chittagong |
80.08% |
Table 9. Category of award: Civil Surgeon Office (Top 5)
Office |
District |
Division |
Total Score |
Rank |
Civil surgeon office |
Jessore |
Khulna |
85.65 |
1 |
Civil surgeon office |
Chuadanga |
Khulna |
84.48 |
2 |
Civil surgeon office |
Panchagarh |
Rangpur |
82.21 |
3 |
Civil surgeon office |
Jhenaidah |
Khulna |
81.64 |
4 |
Civil surgeon office |
Narsingdi |
Dhaka |
79.51 |
5 |
Table 10. Category of award: Divisional Health Office (Champion and Runner up)
Office |
Division |
Total Score |
Rank |
Divisional health office |
Khulna |
73.51 |
1 |
Divisional health office |
Rajshahi |
68.17 |
2 |
Performance measurement
Health system is a set of interconnected parts that must function synergistically broadly to secure more equitable and sustained improvement across health services and better health outcome. The initiative, through the cycle of assessment and measurement and finally rewarding, was an attempt to effectively managing and strengthening interactions of six health system building blocks (WHO’s health system framework); and ultimately promote improved health, responsiveness, social and financial risk protect and improved efficiency. The tools for physical verification used to measure how much the facility is ready to deliver required services safely with quality and with minimum waste of resources; what are the drivers of good performance and where is the weakness to develop health workforce and other key resources; mobilize and allocate finances, and ensure leadership and governance. The conducted patient exit survey has documented the extent of the health facility service meeting the expectation of the population.
The full mark for evaluation was 300. This was divided into four components -
Table 11.
Tools of measurement |
Scores |
Percentage |
Online |
80 |
26.70 |
Onsite monitoring |
20 |
06.70 |
Physical assessment tool (PAT) |
150 |
50.00 |
Patient satisfaction tool (PST) |
50 |
16.60 |
Total |
300 |
100.00 |
Ranking and awards for 2017
Three categories of awards proposed: a) national and divisional award for top ranking or best health facility b) national awards and divisional awards for top ranking community health services c) national awards for top ranking civils surgeon and divisional office.
The facility awards have been calculated upon aggregation of the scores across all four tools. For community health service one year data from community clinics and field were collected from DHIS2 and average score was calculated. Civil surgeon office data has been be estimated from the average scores of online, onsite and community health service of duration of 12 month for the facilities under his jurisdiction. Similar estimation has been done for divisional office.
A total of 50 awards and certificates have been proposed according to the top scores in national and divisional category. The awards for community health services have been proposed for national and divisional category. The best civil surgeon office and divisional office and top tertiary hospital and specialized post graduate institute have been proposed for national award.
Table 11. National awards
Health facility |
Number of awards |
Top three medical college hospital (MCH) |
03 |
Top one specialty post-graduate institute & hospital (SpH) |
01 |
Top five district hospital (DH) |
05 |
Top five upazila health complex (UHC) |
05 |
Community health service (CHS) |
05 |
Divisional health office (DHO) |
02 |
Civil surgeon office (CSO) |
05 |
Table 12. Divisional awards
Health facility |
Number of awards |
Top eight district hospital (DH)- one from each division |
08 |
Top 16 upazila health complexes (UHC)- two per division |
16 |
Based on the final score, the ranking of all the physically verified hospitals in each category has been made. The ranking for year 2017 has been made as follows:
Name of short-listed facilities
Division |
District |
Code |
Type |
Name of facility |
Barisal |
Barisal |
10001966 |
Banaripara Upazila Health Complex |
Barisal |
Barisal |
10001997 |
Wazirpur Upazila Health Complex |
Barisal |
Bhola |
10002002 |
DH |
Bhola District Hospital |
Barisal |
Bhola |
10002006 |
Charfession Upazila Health Complex |
Barisal |
Bhola |
10002015 |
Lalmohan Upazila Health Complex |
Barisal |
Pirojpur |
10002067 |
DH |
Pirojpur District Hospital |
Chittagong |
Chandpur |
10000727 |
Saharasthi Upazila Health Complex |
Chittagong |
Chittagong |
10000740 |
Boalkhali Upazila Health Complex |
Chittagong |
Chittagong |
10000756 |
Chittagong Medical College Hospital |
Chittagong |
Chittagong |
10000802 |
Patiya Upazila Health Complex |
Chittagong |
Comilla |
10000875 |
Daudkandi Upazila Health Complex |
Chittagong |
Comilla |
10000914 |
Titas Upazila Health Complex |
Chittagong |
Lakshmipur |
10001001 |
DH |
Lakshmipur District Hospital |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
10000033 |
Dhaka Medical College Hospital |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
10000064 |
Dhamrai Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
10000069 |
Dohar Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
10017210 |
SpH |
National Institute of Neuro Sciences & Hospital |
Dhaka |
Dhaka |
10000080 |
Nawabganj Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Gazipur |
10000144 |
Kaliganj Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Kishorgonj |
10000243 |
DH |
Kishorganj 250 Bed District Sadar Hospital |
Dhaka |
Munshiganj |
10000328 |
DH |
Munshiganj District Hospital |
Dhaka |
Narsingdi |
10000453 |
DH |
Narsingdi 100 Bed Zilla Hospital |
Dhaka |
Narsingdi |
10000452 |
DH |
Narsingdi District Hospital |
Dhaka |
Narsingdi |
10000461 |
Shibpur Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Rajbari |
10000505 |
Baliakandi Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Rajbari |
10000508 |
Goalanda Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Rajbari |
10000518 |
Pangsha Upazila Health Complex |
Dhaka |
Rajbari |
10000536 |
DH |
Rajbari District Hospital |
Dhaka |
Tangail |
10000647 |
DH |
Tangail 250 Bed District Hospital |
Khulna |
Bagerhat |
10001701 |
Fakirhat Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Chuadanga |
10001719 |
Alamdanga Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Chuadanga |
10001723 |
DH |
Chuadanga District Hospital |
Khulna |
Jessore |
10001737 |
Abhoynagar Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jessore |
10001741 |
Bagherpara Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jessore |
10001744 |
Chowgacha Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jessore |
10013096 |
DH |
Jessore 250 bed General Hospital |
Khulna |
Jessore |
10001759 |
Jhikargacha Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jessore |
10001760 |
Keshabpur Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jessore |
10001763 |
Monirampur Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jhenaidah |
10001771 |
Harinakunda Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jhenaidah |
10001776 |
DH |
Jhenaidah District Hospital |
Khulna |
Jhenaidah |
10002213 |
Kaliganj Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jhenaidah |
10001780 |
Kotchandpur Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jhenaidah |
10001785 |
Moheshpur Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Jhenaidah |
10001790 |
Shailkupa Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Khulna |
10001824 |
Paikgacha Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Kushtia |
10001848 |
Kumarkhali Upazila Health Complex |
Khulna |
Satkhira |
10001928 |
Shyamnagar Upazila Health Complex |
Mymensingh |
Mymensingh |
10000404 |
Nandail Upazila Health Complex |
Rajshahi |
Bogra |
10001111 |
Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College Hospital |
Rajshahi |
Joypurhat |
10001289 |
Akkelpur Upazila Health Complex |
Rajshahi |
Joypurhat |
10001303 |
Khetlal Upazila Health Complex |
Rajshahi |
Naogaon |
10001394 |
DH |
Naogaon District Hospital |
Rajshahi |
Naogaon |
10001402 |
Patnitala Upazila Health Complex |
Rajshahi |
Pabna |
10001482 |
Iswardi Upazila Health Complex |
Rajshahi |
Pabna |
10001484 |
DH |
Pabna 250 bed General Hospital |
Rajshahi |
Sirajganj |
10001624 |
Belkuchi Upazila Health Complex |
Rajshahi |
Sirajganj |
10001633 |
Kazipur Upazila Health Complex |
Rangpur |
Dinajpur |
10001193 |
Birganj Upazila Health Complex |
Rangpur |
Dinajpur |
10001224 |
Ghoraghat Upazila Health Complex |
Rangpur |
Dinajpur |
10002288 |
M Abdur Rahim Medical College Hospital |
Rangpur |
Kurigram |
10001317 |
DH |
Kurigram District Hospital |
Rangpur |
Panchagarh |
10001506 |
Debiganj Upazila Health Complex |
Rangpur |
Panchagarh |
10001514 |
DH |
Panchagarh District Hospital |
Sylhet |
Maulvibazar |
10002096 |
Barlekha Upazila Health Complex |
Sylhet |
Maulvibazar |
10002116 |
DH |
Moulvibazar 250 bed District Sadar Hospital |
Sylhet |
Sylhet |
10002195 |
Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital |
*Individual facility score is above 200 (total score 300) for all except SpH. CHS, CSO and DHO have been calculated by taking one year average scores of online data + community health services report to UHC (ANC-1, exclusive breast feeding , BCG coverage , fully vaccinated child , % of CC reporting )