
HPNSDP 2011-16 Booklet

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Health is one of the fundamental rights of human being, and the Government has a constitutional obligation to ensure public health to all citizens. Therefore health, population and nutrition are among the most urgent development issues of the Government of Bangladesh. Commendable progress has been achieved in the development of the HPN sector. In the 65th UN General Assembly Session, the Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh
received the MDG award for being on track for reducing infant and child mortality (MDG 4). The government efforts and successes in the use of information and communication technology for health has been recognized by the South-South ICT
Award on health of women and children, which was received by the Honourable Prime Minister on September 19, 2011 during the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
The maternal mortality ratio has declined, indicating that Bangladesh is on track to achieve the primary target of MDG 5. Percentage of delivery by trained persons shows a modest improvement.